How to Rank Higher on Google | 10 Easy SEO Tips In 2024


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a well-known and rapidly growing part of digital marketing. Companies and their marketing teams have a lot of stuff to keep track of these days, and they must track their number of followers, comments, shares, retweets, likes, tags, and mentions, among other things.

With over 20 social media platforms available for marketing, it may not be easy to find time to check your Google ranking on top of everything else. After all, haven’t social media revolutionized how people look for information? 

According to SEMrush data, Google remains the most visited website globally, with over 95 billion monthly visitors. Facebook has just 20 billion yearly visitors, while Amazon and Instagram have little more than 4 billion. Google has been the most-visited website for the past decade.

Therefore, you should still be concerned about your Google ranking in 2024.

  • Although Google has profoundly affected our daily lives for the last ten years, ranking on the search engine is among the most difficult challenges.
  • For starters, it’s competitive, and the hosting Tribunal estimates that roughly 2.75 million posts are written daily on WordPress alone.
  • Second, you must comprehend Google’s algorithm.

If you want to expand your business online, the Top 10 SEO Tips for 2024 will assist you in achieving greater rankings in search engines.

Why Is Your Google Ranking Still Important?

Even if the digital marketing environment has evolved with new platforms gaining popularity, a high Google ranking remains one of the best strategies to get visitors to your website. According to internet research, the first five-search traffic on the first site generates over 67% of all visits!

Finally, if more people come to your site, you have a greater chance of converting these visitors into new clients. In addition, you can take some of their new buyers if you rank higher than your competition.

Here Are the Following 10 Easy SEO Tips: How to Rank Higher in Google

1. Pay Attention to Technical SEO.

Technical SEO guarantees that your website is built so that search engines can crawl and index it rapidly. Content remains king, but search engines need help to locate, crawl, and analyze your pages to ensure your attempts are successful.

For Example, You Must Ensure That:

  • Your entire website is safe.
  • Your site is mobile-friendly.
  • Pages load quickly.
  • There is no duplicate or plagiarized content on many website pages.
  • All of the links are functional.

2. Write Unique Titles, Descriptions, and Content and Avoid Duplicity

Duplicate content, or avoiding plagiarism, is one of the essential SEO tips in 2024.

Google has said that you shouldn’t use the same content, because if you do, you will be punished and won’t be able to move up in the rankings.

Google’s rules about duplicate content apply to everything on your website, like image alt text, category pages, landing pages, title tags, e-commerce product pages, and so on.

How Do You Avoid Deception?

You can create your website 100% unique by following the steps outlined below:

  • Avoid using content from other websites.
  • Avoid using the same content on numerous pages of your website.
  • If you want to replicate content on your website, use synonyms for the words.
  • Examine the text using plagiarism detection tools like Grammarly and rewrite those sentences.

3. Create Google Analytics and Google Search Console Accounts.

Google offers a plethora of free tools to assist you in improving your website’s ranking and attracting more traffic to your blog articles.

I strongly advise you to create accounts with the following:

Google Search Console: ensure that your website is being searched (listed) by Google and that there are no technical issues with your articles and pages.

Google Analytics: To view a wealth of essential statistics about your website traffic, such as where your visitors come from, which page they visit, and how long they remain on your site,

To set up these accounts, you must validate your website so Google knows you’re the valid owner. 

Begin by configuring Google Search Console first and then Google Analytics.

4. Target Reasonable Keywords

First, you must choose what you’d like to rank for. Of course, you want to rank for phrases your target clients type into the search box. 

The following are the criteria that go into determining the ideal keywords to pursue in Google ranking:

Volume: The number of times the phrase is searched in a month.

Competition: How difficult is it to rank for that keyword?

Your domain authority: domain authority influences the ease with which you may rank for keywords. 

Relevance: There needs to be a purpose in ranking for a term that will only attract qualified visitors to your site.

5. Focus on On-Page SEO

In 2024, on-page SEO remains one of the simplest ways to improve your Google rankings. 

It takes little time to complete, and you will experience benefits immediately. 

On the other hand, off-page SEO (as necessary) is focused on enhancing relevancy for results pages by gaining more backlinks, for example.

It describes all the items displayed on your site’s web pages that you could improve, including headlines, page headings, and images.

Below Are a Few Effective On-Site SEO Practices:

  • Use your keywords at the start of your title tags.
  • Enter your keyword two to three times on each page
  • Concentrate on long-form content creation (goal for at least 1,800 words)

6. Improve the Loading Speed of Your Website

All users dislike slow-loading websites. If your website performs well based on other SEO tips but has a slow loading time, the bounce rate will rise, lowering your ranking.

According to a Google study, increasing the loading time from one to three seconds raises the bounce rate by 32%. 

As a result, as loading time increases, so does the percentage of users leaving your website, reducing visitors and, as a result, Google’s ranking. 

  • Reduce server response time
  • Do a compression audit.
  • Minimize the amount of HTTP requests.
  • Cache your websites
  • Use a network for content delivery (CDN)
  • Uninstall any unneeded plugins.
  • Files should be combined and compressed.

Pick a hosting option that is geared for performance.

7. Connect to Your Blog from Social Media Profiles

Social media platforms are massive sites with a massive amount of inbound connections across the globe. 

This makes them an excellent spot to provide a link to your site. Google can find your website by following the link from your social media accounts.

 This way, you may attract visitors to your website through social media. Ensure all your social media accounts include a link to your company’s website.

8. Check the Keyword Intent

There are four sorts of keyword intent: informative, commercial, transactional, and maritime.

In terms of SEO, informative-purpose keywords are the most important. But even in your keywords with an “informative intent,” you need to find out what information the person is looking for when they use that phrase.

9. Image Optimization

Image optimization improves page performance optimization and is thought to be one of the best SEO strategies to boost your site’s ranking in 2024. 

But did you realize that graphics account for over 21% of the overall weight of a web page?

 The suggested file formats are:

  • WebP is one of the best options. However, it is not supported by all browsers worldwide. WebP lossless pictures are 26% fewer than JPEGs and PNGs.
  • Giving pictures alt text involves giving them names.

Jpeg: This format offers a decent image quality and file size mix. It employs both lossy and lossless optimization techniques.

GIF: It has 256 colors and employs lossless compression. It works well with animated visuals.

PNG: It generates higher-quality pictures and has a larger file size. However, it employs a lossless picture format, although it may also be lossy.

10. Create Internal Links

An “internal link” is a backlink that takes you to a different page on the same domain.

While we have discussed the value of backlinks, you should also focus on generating internal links. 

Briefly, they aid Google in identifying and analyzing your websites.


Google’s algorithms and rules are becoming increasingly stringent year after year. As a result, you can only rank your website in the SERPs by following SEO best practices. This blog has discussed the top ten SEO tips to use in 2024 that you should pay attention to if you want to stay ahead of your rivals.

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